
Enquiring about Baptisms

We love baptisms at St Hilary’s – they’re great occasions and families who bring their children for Baptism are really important to us as a church.

If you’re considering having your child baptised at St Hilary’s we recommend you contact Reverend Alan Ward via phone or email. You will then be able to talk over how we go about things, with one of the clergy.

In a baptism service people declare their own faith and commitment to Jesus Christ, and as parents and godparents they promise to bring up their child in the Christian faith and within the family of the church.

Here are a few points we think might help you before you come along to see us:

  • Usually we expect that you live within the parish of St Hilary’s or that you already regularly worship with us.
  • The first thing we’ll do is invite you to an hour’s session where we explain the basics (“Step One”); we don’t discuss dates until after you’ve been to that session
  • If you then decide to continue on towards Baptism, we can arrange a date and you’ll be asked to attend two more sessions (“Steps Two & Three”)
  • Please note that Baptisms always take place within one of the main Sunday services, usually at 10.30am; also we set aside certain Sundays for Baptisms, usually the fourth Sunday in the month.

Baptism isn’t right for everyone so there is another option which is called a “Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child”, and we’ll tell you more about this at the “Step One” session.

We look forward to meeting you.